This is the most important blog that I have posted. It reveals the plan behind the drive to nationalize health care, and how rationing will be implemented.
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (EE) is an advisor to Obama on health matters. He cannot be called the Health Czar, because Nancy-Ann DeParle has that title. He is also health-policy adviser at the Office of Management and Budget and a member of the Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. He is the brother of Rahm Emanuel, Obama's Chief Of Staff.
Perhaps EE should be called the Health Rasputin, for reasons which I will explain.
Emanuel calls himself a "bio-ethicist"; that is, one who concerns himself with the morality of medical activities. The specific problem which concerns him is the "fair" distribution of government health care (by rationing).
Emanuel sets forth his "bio-ethicist" ideas plainly in an artice, "Principles for Allocation of Scarce Medical Interventions", in The Lancet, Volume 373, Issue 9661, Pages 423 - 431, Jan. 31, 2009 [ ] This article was published after Obama's inauguration, so Obama can't credibly claim ignorance of the ideas of his advisor.
A summary of Emanuel's views, by Betsy McCaughey, appears in the Wall Street Journal [ ]. According to McCaughey, Dr. Emanuel has fought for a government takeover of health care for over a decade.
In the Lancet article [ ], Dr. Emanuel analyzes several schemes to allocate / ration governmnent health care. He concludes that the "fairest" scheme is one which he calls the "complete lives system" [CLS] — which prioritizes younger people who have not yet lived a "complete life". He does not define "complete life", or explain why this is a valid criterion for his discrination scheme. In the CLS, EE fancies that he has solved the "bio-ethical" problem.
Emanuel's plan would start with elimination of the Hippocratic Oath [ ], which pledges the doctor to keep the good of the patient as the highest priority, to practice and prescribe to the best of his ability for the good of his patients, and to try to avoid harming them.
EE wants to eliminate the Hippocratic oath because it pledges the doctor to act for the benefit of the patient. EE wants the doctor to be an agent of the government, and medicine to be practiced for the "good of society", not the individual.
EE illustrates how this depraved, shocking, and totally evil scheme would "work" by setting forth the specifics of his scheme in a graph.
This graph is known as the "Reaper Curve", though EE does not call it that, and McCaughey uses the term without attribution. I am proposing an even more appropriate name: the "Grim Reaper Curve".
Here is the graph as EE presents it in The Lancet:
Emanuel Curve
The curve shows the relative amount of health care that EE's ghoulish scheme would allocate, as a function of age of the patient. Patients aged 15 to 40 would be allocated the "maximum" amount of health care, while those under 15 or over 40 whould receive
"attenuated" (reduced) amounts of care. BO has obviously concurred in this scheme [Blogs 1 and 2].
EE compounds his dishonesty by claiming that "allocation by age is not invidious (discriminatory) discrimination" [ ]. This is insulting. The whole purpose of the Reaper Curve is to set forth graphically the different treatments for patients of different ages. This is discrimination by age, or words have no meaning.
To express EE's proposals -- for rationing health care by age -- with more clarity, I have taken the liberty of drawing in the age limits of 15 and 40, and coloring the regions according to a distinctive pattern. Here is my revised version of the Grim Reaper Curve:
Grim Reaper Curve, Revised [PS]
The principle behind the Grim Reaper Curve and the ghoul EE's scheme for government-run health "care" rationing is altruism -- the sacrifice of the individual to the collective ("society"), which means, the sacrifice of some individuals to other individuals. EE proposes to sacrifice the old, the very young, and the disabled to those in the 15-40 age group.
The Grim Reaper Curve [ ]proposed by EE/BO makes it crystal clear that the purpose of forced government "insurance" (the falsely-named "public option") is to transfer the cost of health insurance from the able-bodied 15-40 age group to the old, the young, and the disabled. Yes, the old, the young, and the disabled will be forced (fines, prison terms) to pay for the health care of the able-bodied.
And -- the old, the young, and the disabled will be denied health care because they are "socially useless" or have lived "complete lives" [ ]. EE/BO propose to give them Band-Aids, cough syrup, and Tylenol instead of real health care [Blogs 1 and 2 ], Or just "let you die" as Robert Reichstag proposed [Blog 23].
This is monstrous. This is hideous. This is altruism carried to its logical horrible extreme. This is wholly evil. EE is proposing genocide. He deserves to be known as Dr. Death.
This is not a health care "plan". It is not even a health care scheme. It is a health care scam. It is a system for rationing health care according to the ethics of altruism. Dr. Death's "bio-ethics" turns ethics on its head, sacrificing the individual for the group, sacrificing some for the benefit of others (the "chosen -- by EE / BO-- people").
Ethics, rightly understood, is a code of values to guide man's actions for survival, not death.
In Dr. Death's inverted ethics [ ], the old, the handicapped, and the very young are sacrificed to the 15-40 age group, those whom Dr. Death considers "socially useful". This is death-wish ethics. It is genocide by government decree. It is ObamiCide. It is completely evil.
If we value life, it must not come to pass.
Motivational Poster
Doctor Death Plays God