Saturday, October 17, 2009

17. Holocaust, American Style

After publishing the startling news that all white babies are "racists" [Blog 11], Newsweek tops it with a cover story proclaiming "The Case For Killing Granny".  [] According to Newspeak Magaine, Granny has a duty to die (or be killed).

This is the USA, not Nazi (national socialst)Germany. Not communist Soviet Russia.

So, a formerly respectable American magazine has now come out in favor of genocide, or at least for legalized murder. Well, they had to support Obama, of course  [Blogs 1 and 2].

Soon we may see Evan Thomas and his fellow ghouls at Newspeak Magazine printing articles extolling the virtues of killing workers to solve the unemployment peoblem, or killing bankers to solve the financial liquidity problem, or killing everybody (except Al Gore)  to solve the global warming problem.

And, dear monsters of the Obamaland black lagoon, please don't oberlook the neat solution proposed by Jonathan Swift .

 Jonathan Swift, Satirist

In his essay, "A Modest Proposal",  [1729] Swift suggested eating babies to solve the famine problem in Ireland. So back in the more civilized twenty-first centuiry, white babies are all racists [Blog 11] and therefore richly deserve to be eaten.

Bon appetit, Obama (God's partner in matters of life and death. [Blog 5].

Motivational Poster
They Aren't Joking

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