Friday, October 30, 2009

30. Duty To Die

Central American aborigines, Aztec, Mayan, Peruvian, etc., are said to have sacrificed virgins, babies, and assorted other innocent victims to their pagan gods.

Who benefitted from this barbarous practice?  Certainly not the victims, who lost their lives.  The intended beneficiaries were the other members of the tribe, who supposedly reaped the approval of the gods.

This barbaric practice is condemned by many modern people, yet some of these same people enthusiastically support such schemes as the Obama health scam.

The Obama scheme is based on exactly the same principle as the Aztec or Mayan ritual of killing virgins. They are both examples of altruism take to the logical extreme. 

Only the specifics are different. The barbarians killed virgins for the benefit of the tribe.  Obama & Co. propose to kill the elderly, the very young, and the disabled -- to benefit the 15-40 age group [Blog 24], or society, or the community, or "complete lives".

Grim Reaper Curve

Where is the outcry against this brutally savage violation of the victims' right to life?  Where are the impassioned sermons denouncing the invasion of individual rights?  Are they too embarassed or too afraid to speak out against this logical application of altruism?  Schools, churches, the media, and politicians have been teaching us altruism for a century.  Now it has come home to roost.  How many innocent people must die before we admit that the individual has rights?

Duty to the state cannot reasonably come before self-interest. beacuse the proper function of government is to protect the life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness of the individual. But that is egoism, not altruism.
Aztec Altruists At Work

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