Tuesday, October 6, 2009

13. Lemming Doctors

Lemming Doctors Applaud Tyrant

The Fuehrer descended into the rose garden yesterday, to deliver another of his innumerable pitches for his fascist scheme for nationalizing the health industry.

He was surrounded by a bevy of -- count 'em -- 150 doctors (Obama supporters and contributors) flown in (at taxpayer expense) from everywhere to buttress his pitch.

The doctors were all wearing white coats (some supplied by the White House) so that viewers of the spectacle can know that these were doctors and not thugs from ACORN.

>>>   LATE NOTE. Here is a pic of a White House intern handing out white coats to those doctors who had ignored directions in the invitation to bring their own. Yes, it was a photo op by invitation only. [Pic from New York Post via Glen Beck.]

The media did not ask the doctors if they favored these provisions of the Obama socialist scheme:

--   Less compensation to doctors.

--   Less compensation to hospitals.

--   Burocratic control over hospital equipment.

--   Forced closing of hospitals to save money.

--   Burocratic control of what are "acceptable" treatments.

--   Death committees to deny treatment to save money.

--   Fewer new drugs and treatments.

--   Cancel the Hippocratic Oath.

--   Doctors responsible  to the government, not to the patient.

--   Treatment rationing by burocrats.

--   Mandatory insurance with fines and prison  sentences.

--   Patients age 15 to 40 get preferential access to treatment, at the expense of those younger or older, who get less treatment. [E. Emanuel's "Complete Lives System" (CLS)].

--   Pain pills instead of real treatments. [Blogs 1 and 2]

The assembled doctors enthusiastically applauded the Fuehrer, thus probably indicating their agreement with the above items, as well as the other features of Obama's plan to enslave them.

Would you prefer a doctor who supports the above-listed provisions of socialized ObamaCare, or would you prefer a real doctor, a doctor who looks after your interests, not the dictates of an all-powerful state.

Well, a poll found that 45% of doctors would consider retiring if ObamaCare is enacted. If the real doctors retire, you might not have the above choice.

*  *  *

Lemmings Celebrate
Nationalized Medicine

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