Monday, November 2, 2009

33.  Helloween For Real

A friend sent me a PDF copy of the Pelosi health crime bill.  This is the 1990 page monstrosity that will destroy liberty in America.

Looking at the PDF in Foxit Reader, I felt as if the UPS guy had just delivered a huge crate into my front yard, and the crate contained Frankenstein's Monster.

Pelosi's Monster
1990 Pages Of Contrils And Taxes

The Pelosi monstrosity is 1990 pages of new taxes and controls.  Meanwhile, the Polished Liar is still going on TV, bleating that he won't increase taxes or limit choice.

Pelosi's bill is a burocratic nightmare comparable only to the IRS code in complexity, intrusiveness, and taxes imposed.  But the IRS code took 80 years to reach its present byzantine convolutions.

Aside from crushing liberty, a main effect of the bill will be to provide employment to thousands or millions of lawyers.

When you visit your ObamaCare doctor, the first thing he will have to do is consult the Pelosi Act to find out if it is legal for himn to treat you, and what treatments he is allowed, by the government rationers, to prescribe.

Pelosi's bill is a burcratic horror, evidently crafted by a building full of collectivist-minded hack lawyers, busily hacking away at the roots of the Tree Of Liberty, destroying the freedom of all Americans.

It is a scene that even Franz Kafka could not have imagined.

Nightmare Castle
Where Pelosi Concocts Her Horrors

"You can keep your doctor," croons the Polished Liar.  When your doctor considers this 1990 page recipe for serfdom, which he must consult to learn whether the collectivist rationers will permit him to treat you -- and  he might have to hire a roomful of lawyers to interpret the convoluted regulations -- he just might decide that it isn't worth it, and start planning to move to Australia or Timbuktoo.

Syonara, Doc.

How is Obama going to stop that?  Oh, yes, the Great Emancipator could simply enslave the doctors.  Just get Pelosi to add a few more pages to the bill.

Motivational Poster
House Of Butchers Of Liberty

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