Sunday, November 8, 2009

38. Purely Personal Stuff

Last night I woke up with a terrible pain in my lower back.  I could not get out of bed.  The pain was unbearable.  It hurt to move.  It hurt to not move. 

I had to get to the medicine cabinet, eight feet away.  It hurt unbearably to stand up.  It hurt unbearably to walk.  I was screaming with every step I took.  I hate to admit it -- I was screaming with pain. 

The bottle of Aleve had a "child-proof" closure.  I couldn't work it.  I couldn't read the directions for working it.  Government burocrats had made it impossible for me to get relief.  I screamed.

I needed something like codeine, and I nooded it bad.  But of course there was no way I could get codeine, though I was screaming with intolerable pain.  Government burocrats had declared codeine to be a prescription drug, and there was no doctor to write a prescription at that time of night.  I could not buy the medicine I so desperately needed, on the free market, because the freee market no longer exists in the 'land Of The Free".  So I screamed, and it didn't help at all.

Do you think you will be able to get pain killers under government controlled medicine ?  Just beacuse the Great Polished Liar mentioned it as an alternative to real medical treatments [Blog 1 and 2] ?  Well, if the government rationers decide that it is "good for society, you may be left without pain killers too, to scream your way to death, as a "socially useless" person.

By whose standards?   Obama's.  E. Emanuel's [Blog 24].  By the standards of all the political pragmatists who think that the individual should be sacrificed to "society".

I found some Ibuprofen, and finally got some relief.  I stopped screaming.

But I can't help wondering how many others will die screaming as a result of the government takeover of all health care.

Motivational Poster

Government Health Care


tony said...

Now we have to take the fight to the Senate where, hopefully, there will be sounder thinking than in the HOUSE.

I watched the whole debate and witnessed more logical fallacies and baseless rhetoric then I have ever witnessed.

Arriving at universal conclusions from finite premises indicates an absence of deductive reasoning....

Although a 220 to 215 loss says there is still hope to kill OBAMACARE...hope and change right!

Keep up the good fight and I am glad you got some relief...I too am screaming

Watch the OSTRICH for some good stuff coming up .......

Tony said...

Hi Paul:
Thanks to your suggestion I am now quoting Tom Paine on the OSTRICH

check it out.

Hope you are well and keep up the good work as we take the battle to the Senate