Saturday, September 26, 2009

3. Prison for health?

Motivational Poster
Prisoner For Health
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THe Baucus (Dem.) Senate health care bill requires that every person have health care insurance (so much for the "Choice and Competition" myth).

Those who don't have it will be fined $1900 or sent to federal prison for up to one year and fined $25,000.

The Dems want to make the United States the pnly country on the planet which makes failure to buy health insurance a federal crime. This in the former "land of the free".

The Dems envision a brave new world,where every State would have a brand new "Obama Federal Nedicare Prison For Health Care Criminals" or OFMPFHCC.

Stalin sent dissenters to Siberia (th Gulag). Obama/Baucus want to criminalize the failure to buy health care insurance. Well, Baucus does, anyway. Whether Obama wants this depends on the day of the week.

Somebody should ask Obama if criminalizing health care is what he means by "change".

No sane person would propose such a tyrannical scheme. But whoever accused the crypto-fascist gang of being sane? Was Stalin sane? Was Hitler sane?

Where in the Constitution do the Obama/Baucus Dems get the authority to criminalize the lack of health insurance? Silly me; the Constitution no longer means anything in Obam's Washington.

We can reasonably blame this turrany on Obama, unless he disavows it. But then, who will believe him?

Motivational Poster
Baby prisoner of health care
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