Thursday, October 22, 2009

22. Obama's Commie Brigade

Obama has appointed 30 or 40 "czars". These are commissars who control various parts of the economy, without oversight by Congress, indeed without responsibility to anybody.

Several of these czars have been exposed as communists or communist sympathizers,

Anita Dunn, cazr of communications, has expressed her admiration for her "favorite philosopher", Mao Tze Tung.

Video: Dunn praises Mao

Ron Bloom, OBama's Car Czar, has also expressed admiration for Mao.  He has opined that the free market (capitalism) is "nonsense".

Reminder: Mao is the Marxist who imposed communism on China. He is "credited" with killing 40 million or 50 million or 70 million Chinese.  If he is a "philosopher", he is a philosopher of death. Obama's czars found Mao's philosophy of death admirable, and consider America's egoistic freedom to be "nonsense".

Do these czars plan to transform America into communist China?  Do they plan to kill 40-70 million Americans?  This is what they admire.

Van Jones, sometime Green Jobs Czar, was an avowed communist.

There are others among Obama's czars and advisors.

These are the people now running the government -- and the country. With their help, Obama is gradually transforming America into a fascist tyranny. The Obama regime is the Death Pill for freedom.  You have been warned.

Flag of Obama's Commerica

1 comment:

Tony said...

Dear Paul:

Thanks for sharing your outrage.

The evidence provided by Obama's CZAR appointments has this centrist concerned. How concerned? Pretty darn!

Bigger government means inefficiency and more costs for "We the People."

Keep up the good work.

Your cohort,
