Monday, November 30, 2009

39. IRS Fraud

On September 24, I started a blog which was severely critical of the Obama / Democrat health care plan ( ).

On the day after Thanksgiving, I received a certified letter from the IRS informing me that I owe $227,741 for the year 1978.  This figure comprises $107,992 in interest and $120,749 in taxes.

The letter threatened to levy my assets if I did not pay up.

This letter from the IRS is false and fraudulent.  I do not owe $120,749 in taxes for the year 1978.

That amount is approximately three times my total income for the year in question.

The IRS Code has no provision for assessing a tax of 300% of a taxpayer's total gross income for the year 1978.

The IRS letter is false and fraudulent on its face  It is an attempt to extort money that I do not owe.


I assert:

--  I do not owe $120,749 for the year 1978.

--  The tax alleged is approximately three times my total grosss income for 1978.

--  The IRS Code has no provision allowing assessment of $120,749 income tax for 1978 on my income.

--  The IRS cannot prove that I owe $120,749 in income taxes for 1978.

--  The IRS has falsified my "tax liability" for 1978.

--  The "interest" assessed on the basis of this erroneous tax is inherently incorrect.

--  This IRS letter is an unlawful attempt to extort money from me which I do not owe.

--  There may be RICO activity involved here.

--  In view of the false and fraudulent nature of the assessment and the demand for payment, the IRS should abate this "tax and interest".

IRS Letter

Sunday, November 8, 2009

38. Purely Personal Stuff

Last night I woke up with a terrible pain in my lower back.  I could not get out of bed.  The pain was unbearable.  It hurt to move.  It hurt to not move. 

I had to get to the medicine cabinet, eight feet away.  It hurt unbearably to stand up.  It hurt unbearably to walk.  I was screaming with every step I took.  I hate to admit it -- I was screaming with pain. 

The bottle of Aleve had a "child-proof" closure.  I couldn't work it.  I couldn't read the directions for working it.  Government burocrats had made it impossible for me to get relief.  I screamed.

I needed something like codeine, and I nooded it bad.  But of course there was no way I could get codeine, though I was screaming with intolerable pain.  Government burocrats had declared codeine to be a prescription drug, and there was no doctor to write a prescription at that time of night.  I could not buy the medicine I so desperately needed, on the free market, because the freee market no longer exists in the 'land Of The Free".  So I screamed, and it didn't help at all.

Do you think you will be able to get pain killers under government controlled medicine ?  Just beacuse the Great Polished Liar mentioned it as an alternative to real medical treatments [Blog 1 and 2] ?  Well, if the government rationers decide that it is "good for society, you may be left without pain killers too, to scream your way to death, as a "socially useless" person.

By whose standards?   Obama's.  E. Emanuel's [Blog 24].  By the standards of all the political pragmatists who think that the individual should be sacrificed to "society".

I found some Ibuprofen, and finally got some relief.  I stopped screaming.

But I can't help wondering how many others will die screaming as a result of the government takeover of all health care.

Motivational Poster

Government Health Care

Saturday, November 7, 2009

37. AMA Endorses Government Take-over

The American Medical Association (AMA), or at least the ones in charge, has endorsed the Pelosi government take-over bill.  THe AMA now supports:

--  Government control of doctors and hospitals.

--  Government control of medical and surgical treatments.

--  Government control of patients.

--  Government control of insurance companies.

--  Government rationing of health care.

--  Government taxation of health necessities.

  Government-induced doctor drain (flight from tyranny, known to readers of "Atlas Shrugged" as "going Galt").

The AMA may now be counted among the organizations working to destroy the American system, wherein the government's proper function is to protect the life, liberty, property, and pusuit of happiness of the individual.  They may now be counted as being among the enemies of freedom.  They have thrown in with the followers of the madmen Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Marx, Hitler, and the other German collectivists.

Motivational Poster

AMA Embraces Statism

Apologies to the Three Stooges, who were NOT collectivists.

36. AARP Dumps Seniors

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has come out in favor of nationalizing health care, after dancing around the issue for months [Blog 25].

AARP has betrayed their constituency, the sebiors.  AARP now supports:

--  A 20% cut in Medicare spending.

--  Rationing of care.

--  Discriminating against seniors [Blog 24].

--  Taxation of medical devices such as hearing aids.

--  Creation of 111 new government agencies.

--  Spending of trillions of dollars that don't exist, causing inflation.

--  Government control over doctors and hospitals.

For a beautifully written example of how government control of health care results in destruction of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness, read "Noble Vision", by Gen LaGreca [Blog 10]..

--  Government control over medical and surgical treatments.

--  Forced participation in government insurance.

AARP seems perfectly willing to sacrifice the interests of their members to such collectivist butchers as E. Emanuel [Blog 24] and the Great Polished Liar [Blog 1 and 2].  It is the pragmatic (unprincipled) thing to do [Blog 32].

AARP is a big business, in insurance (health, dental, auto, etc.) and publications with lots of advertising.

Hitler was able to get the cooperation of some business men for his national socialist (Nazi) regime.  For details, see "The Ominous Parallels", by Leonard Peikoff.

Full disclosure:  I am a member of AARP, solely in order to buy their Medicare-supplement insurance.  If any reader knows of a reasonable alternative, please tell me about it.

Motivational Poster

AARP Embraces Statism

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

35. Omnubust

The Pelosi monsrosity bill for government takeover of health care, H.R. 3962, contains many, many new taxes, regulations, and requirements.

It also creates a huge new group of boards, bureaucracies, commissions, and programs.  111 have been counted to date.

Here are the first 25.  For the complete list, go to:

1. Retiree Reserve Trust Fund (Section 111(d), p. 61)

2. Grant program for wellness programs to small employers (Section 112, p. 62)

3. Grant program for State health access programs (Section 114, p. 72)

4. Program of administrative simplification (Section 115, p. 76)

5. Health Benefits Advisory Committee (Section 223, p. 111)

6. Health Choices Administration (Section 241, p. 131)

7. Qualified Health Benefits Plan Ombudsman (Section 244, p. 138)

8. Health Insurance Exchange (Section 201, p. 155)

9. Program for technical assistance to employees of small businesses buying Exchange coverage (Section 305(h), p. 191)

10. Mechanism for insurance risk pooling to be established by Health Choices Commissioner (Section 306(b), p. 194)

11. Health Insurance Exchange Trust Fund (Section 307, p. 195)

12. State-based Health Insurance Exchanges (Section 308, p. 197)

13. Grant program for health insurance cooperatives (Section 310, p. 206)

14. “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 321, p. 211)

15. Ombudsman for “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 321(d), p. 213)

16. Account for receipts and disbursements for “Public Health Insurance Option” (Section 322(b), p. 215)

17. Telehealth Advisory Committee (Section 1191 (b), p. 589)

18. Demonstration program providing reimbursement for “culturally and linguistically appropriate services” (Section 1222, p. 617)

19. Demonstration program for shared decision making using patient decision aids (Section 1236, p. 648)

20. Accountable Care Organization pilot program under Medicare (Section 1301, p. 653)

21. Independent patient-centered medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302, p. 672)

22. Community-based medical home pilot program under Medicare (Section 1302(d), p. 681)

23. Independence at home demonstration program (Section 1312, p. 718)

24. Center for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Section 1401(a), p. 734)

25. Comparative Effectiveness Research Commission (Section 1401(a), p. 738)

For the rest of the list of 111 new burocracies, go to:

Take along a barf bag.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

34. I Accuse

--  I accuse Pres. Obama of genocide, for proposing a health care scheme that withholds treatment from old people, the vety young, and the disabled. 

--  I accuse Ezekiel Emanuel of promoting a health rationing scheme that withholds care from the elderly, the very young, and the disbled, in favor of age group 15-40.  [Blog 24]

--  I accuse Congress of fraud for proposing a health care bill which requires everyone to buy government "insurance", and rations health care so as to deprive old people, the very young, and the disabled of the very benefits for which they have paid, and will be forced to continue paying.

--  I accuse Obama and his entire regime of sacrificing the life, liberty, property, and pusuit of happiness of the entire American people, by their collectivist policies and legislation.

--  I accuse Obama of giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the American people, by consorting with Chavez, Ortega, Castro, and other tyrannical dictators, and by consorting with advisors who are communists and admitted admirers of Mao, a communist dictator who killed millions of Chinese.

Motivational Poster
It Walks Like A Duck

Monday, November 2, 2009

33.  Helloween For Real

A friend sent me a PDF copy of the Pelosi health crime bill.  This is the 1990 page monstrosity that will destroy liberty in America.

Looking at the PDF in Foxit Reader, I felt as if the UPS guy had just delivered a huge crate into my front yard, and the crate contained Frankenstein's Monster.

Pelosi's Monster
1990 Pages Of Contrils And Taxes

The Pelosi monstrosity is 1990 pages of new taxes and controls.  Meanwhile, the Polished Liar is still going on TV, bleating that he won't increase taxes or limit choice.

Pelosi's bill is a burocratic nightmare comparable only to the IRS code in complexity, intrusiveness, and taxes imposed.  But the IRS code took 80 years to reach its present byzantine convolutions.

Aside from crushing liberty, a main effect of the bill will be to provide employment to thousands or millions of lawyers.

When you visit your ObamaCare doctor, the first thing he will have to do is consult the Pelosi Act to find out if it is legal for himn to treat you, and what treatments he is allowed, by the government rationers, to prescribe.

Pelosi's bill is a burcratic horror, evidently crafted by a building full of collectivist-minded hack lawyers, busily hacking away at the roots of the Tree Of Liberty, destroying the freedom of all Americans.

It is a scene that even Franz Kafka could not have imagined.

Nightmare Castle
Where Pelosi Concocts Her Horrors

"You can keep your doctor," croons the Polished Liar.  When your doctor considers this 1990 page recipe for serfdom, which he must consult to learn whether the collectivist rationers will permit him to treat you -- and  he might have to hire a roomful of lawyers to interpret the convoluted regulations -- he just might decide that it isn't worth it, and start planning to move to Australia or Timbuktoo.

Syonara, Doc.

How is Obama going to stop that?  Oh, yes, the Great Emancipator could simply enslave the doctors.  Just get Pelosi to add a few more pages to the bill.

Motivational Poster
House Of Butchers Of Liberty

Sunday, November 1, 2009

32. Pragmatism & Potatoes

And now for something entirely different.

Opponents of nationalized health care sometimes point to the nationalized systems of England, Canada, Cuba, and elsewhere -- as examples of the disaster, bankruptcy, and misery that such systems have always caused.

On hearing such facts, proponents of nationalized health care sometimes stare in glassy-eyed indifference, totally unmoved by the clear evidence that nationalized health care doesn't work.

Such indifference to facts may be an indication that the person is suffering from pragmatism.

Pragmatism is a philosophy which believes that reality is not real, or that reality is a shapeless, ever-changing goo, that facts don't exist, that existence can by molded by the human wish or will, ignoring or denying or in sptie of facts.

Pragmatists believe that existence cannot be understood by observing facts and drawing reasoned conclusions from facts.

How do pragmatixts operate in the real world?  When they wish to accomplish something, they do not examine the relevant facts of reality.  Instead, they just try something, anything, to see if maybe it will work (produce results in accordance with their wish).  Try what?  Why, just anything -- after all, the pragmatist isn't constrained by facts and has no way of knowing what might work, or not -- because he refuses on principle to consider facts about a reality which he considers to be infinitely changeable and therefore unknowable.

How does this work out in practice?  It usually results in disaster, bankruptcy, and misery.  But not to worry.  The pragmatist believes that maybe the next "experiment" might turn out better.  When human lives are the subject of the "experiment", the results are usually tragic.

For those who are sane enough to be grounded in reality, not fantasy, an example of pragmatism may be helpful.

Over the ages, man has learned a lot about gravity and other laws of nature (facts).  But the pragmatist ignores all such knowledge, on principle.  So how can he possibly act? 

Well, here's the example.  Our pragmatist suddenly feels that it would be very cool if potatoes could fly like birds.  So, ignoring the nature of potatoes and birds, he tosses a potato into the air to see if maybe it will actually fly.  It doesn't.  The pragmatist learns nothing from this.  After all, maybe next time the potato will fly. There is no way for the pragmatist to know (since he ignores the facts that would have given him knowledge). 

So he tries again and again until the potato is destroyed.  And still the pragmatist has learned nothing about potatoes or flying, because he believes that reality and facts do not exist.

Back to nationalized health care and the pragmatist politicians who promote it.

To the pragmatist (politician or citizen), the fact that such schemes have failed miserably wherever and whenever they are tried -- makes no difference.

Because, according to pragmatist doctrinne, maybe -- just maybe -- the potato will fly the next time, and Obama's wishes will have been imposed on a plastic, formless realty, and maybe next time nationalized health care will not result in disaster, bankruptcy, and misery.

But facts are facts. The potato does not fly, and nationalized health care does end in disaster, bankruptcy, and misery.The pragmatist will never be able to  make reality conform to his wish, in defiance of facts.

The pragmatist's attempt to impose his arbitrary wishes upon the facts of reality regarding health care will fail (or succeed, if -- as with Obama -- the perpetrator's wish is to cause disaster, bankruptcy, and misery).

"There is no such thing as truth," said Hitler.

The metaphysics of pragmatism is subjectivism. The epistemology of pragmatism is irrationality. The politics of pragmatism is collectivism.  The ethics of pragmatism is altruism.

Unfortunately, pragmatism has gained broad acceptance in the United States.

Back to the real world.

-- Reality exists.
-- Existence exists.
-- Facts exist.
-- A man is capable of perceiving facts through his senses.
-- Things are what they are.
-- A potato is a potato, and a bird is a bird.
-- Birds fly: potatoes don't.

Perceiving facts and processing them with his rational mind is man's way of dealing with existence, of living, of producing values, of enjoying life.

Motivational Poster
Pragmatist Descending
(Click pic to enlarge)