Wednesday, October 7, 2009

14. Swine Flu Goes Fascist

 Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's Health and Human Services Secretary, is demanding that everyone should be forced to take the swine ful vaccine.

As a typical fascist, she cannot stand the sight of a free person making decisions for their own benefit.  This demand for universl compliance is an example of statism, the principle that man's life belongs to the state (i.e., to those who run the state).

This is also a preview of socialized medicine.  Your body will be socialized to suit the whims of the burocratic tyrants.  You can forget about freedom.

Fortunately, the supply of swine flu vaccine is at least temporarily inadequate for carrying out her decree. Supplies are currently being reserved for health workers and school children. Maybe some of the rest of us will temporarily escape the clutches of the HHS flu vaccine  police.

If Obama gets his health scheme rammed thru Congress, none of us will be safe.  None of us wull own our own bodies.  We will be the property of the government.  How does this differ from slavery?  Hitler would be so proud.

Motivational Poster
Czar Decrees Forced Swine Flu Shots

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