Friday, October 9, 2009

16. Hunorous Interlude

Time for another pause while we laugh to keep from crying. Today was the day the comedians hit it big.

The punch line is: Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize, 140 million dollars, and a rubber chicken.

The kicker is: He didn't know he was going to get it. His daughter brought the news from Norway on a sardine boat.

The second kicker: It is also the dog's birthday.
He likes sardines.

So what did Obama do to merit this magnificent prize?  In the words of Saturday Nite Live, Nothing, Nada, Zip.

Well, not exactly.

-- He is Barack Hussein Obama (Mmm, Mmm, Mmm.)

-- He has a gift.

-- He is partner with God.

-- He got elected.

-- He is a Democrat.

-- He promotes appeasment of communism and terrorism throughout the world. Oh, that must be what got him the prize.

Surely these stellar accomplishments are enough to justify giving Obama the prize. At least in the rarified air of Norway.

What about the $140 million?  Not to worry. He assures us that he will give the money to charity.  He has a lot of possibilities.

-- ACORN, to steal elections and break up protest meetings.

-- Jeremiah Wright's church, to preach racism, and hatred of America.

-- Bill Ayres, to buy bombs and trample flags.

After the initial shock, the first thing Obama did was to run to the nearest video camera for a photo op.

Here he surprised everyone by saying one thing that was the truth, for a change.  He said he didn't deserve the prize.

But maybe he actually did deserve it.

-- He consorted with South American communist dictators.

-- He approved Iran's muclear arms actions.

-- He deserted Israel in favor of Islamic terrorism.

-- He delivered Afghanistan to Islamic terrorists.

-- He prpmotes socialism in America.

Enough already.

October 9 should br made a national holiday: the dog's birthday.

Have fun.  Throw up.

Photo Op
Schmoozing with Chavez

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