Sunday, September 27, 2009

4. Obama Has No Plan

Obama has made countless speeches  (about 140 to date, and counting) promoting his "plan" for health care reform, taking over the insurance industry, and killing Grandmama.

But the curious fact is that he has never once displayed a copy of his "plan". He has never posted any "plan" on the internet. He has never expressed approval of the House bill H.R. 3200, or Sen. Baucus' (Dem.) bill, or any of the three or four other legislative bills.

Yet he has given countless speeches with much bluster about the supposed merits of his "plan".  Curiouser and curiouser.

The dirty secret is that the emperor has no clothes. Obama has no "plan".  There is no document which one can point to and say, "This is what we get if we accept Obama's plan."

Obama's "plan" is a pig in a poke.  Except that there is no pig.  Obama doesn't have a plan.  It's all smoke and mirrors. It's the Oz story all over again. Only now the little guy behind the curtain is the crypto-fascist Obama.

All that we know for certain -- because it's on video -- is that Obama plans to take over the insurance industry and kill off the old people.We don't know how many crypto-fascist burocrats would be on the insurance committees or the death committees.

All we know for sure is that Obama is going for total power over our lives.That should be enough. Only a self-hating, life-hating altruist would put up with this. Or a silly, unthinking idiot.

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