Wednesday, September 30, 2009

7. Control Is Sweet

Is it too strong to sat that Obama is going for total power over our lives? [Blog No. 4]

The Baucus (Dem.) Senate bill contains a provision to tax beverages that contain sugar. Tax laws in a health care bill? Obama may have proposed it too. [NY Times op ed by Michael Pollan, September 9, 2009].  Did I say total power?

The crypto-fascist excuse, for putting this outrageous new tax into the health care bill, is probably that sugar is unhealthy. According to the crypto-fascist viewpoint, nobody should be allowed to do anything that might make them unhealthy, because that might cost the government some (of your) money.

So drinking Coke or Pepsi or Mountain Dew might make you obese, which might lead to diabetes, don't you know. So now the federal sugar police , followed by the goons from the IRS, aim to influence what we drink. Oh yeah, total power!

What.s next in Obama's crypto-fascist USSA? A tax on fats? Because they make you fat (maybe). A tax on protein? Protein might strain the kidneys, or something. Better sic the IRS on it. Saves money in the long run, you know.

All foods are made up of sugars (carbs), fats, and proteins (and water).So a tax on those components is a tax on all foods, from Coke to crackers to codfish. The IRS could control what everyone eats (and how much).

Talk about power!  Closing down all hamburger and fries dispensaries is surely power.  And dictating who lives and dies, by way of a phony "health" bill [Blog No. 5] -- now that's real, real power.

This power-grab could also solve the supposed population problem (some Obama appointees believe that the world's problems are caused by too many people). All that is necessary is to starve everybody, and the awkward problem of how to get rid of old people is solved automatically. Damned clever, Obama.

But we expect nothing less from God's partner in life and death [Blog No. 5]. God would certainly be very proud to think that his little crypto-fascist partner in Washington was looking out for what people eat (or don't eat), and disciplining them to choose between taxes and cat food.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

6. What To Call It

The Obama regime has been called by many names. Any of the following might be appropriate:

National socialism
Good of society
Community service
Social gospel
Liberation theology

All are applicable to the Obama regime in some respects. While they vary in the details of their programs, all of these isms have one thing in common: their fundamental philosophy.

All of the above isms are based on the philosophy of altruism. They are all death cults.

>> "The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue, and value.... which means the self as a standard of evil, and the selfless as a standard of the good."
-- Ayn Rand "Philosophy, Who Needs It", page 74 (hc), 61 (pb).

Obama's philosophy is thoroughly altruistic. His actions in taking over control of business fit the fascist pattern. And he is doing it all by stealth, not revealing his true motivation or goals, concealed behind meaningless propaganda slogans such as "Hope" and "Change".

Therefore, I will continue to use the term "crypto-fascist" to refer to Obama and his regime.

Monday, September 28, 2009

5. God's Little Helper

Motivational Poster
Saint Obama Shrine
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According to news reports [Joseph Abrams,, August 20, 2009] President Obama appealed to 140,000 religious leaders (via webcast) to support his healeth care scheme, discussing the "moral dimension of health care" (i.e., how many people you can kill to save money [Blog No. 1, 2]).

He also appeared in person before 1000 rabbis, asking them to preach his political agenda in their sermons on Rosh Hashana -- one of the holiest days of the year.

For some reason, I am reminded of those Imams and Mullahs and Ayatollahs who preach terrorism to Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan (and every Friday), and fire missile tests on Rosh Hashana, as Iran did this year.

"I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform," Obama said, according to Rabbi Jack Moline of Virginia.

Obama told the rabbis that "we are God's partners in matters of life and death".

So Obama has now promoted himself to being God's partner.  But only in matters of life and death.  Other matters Obama would presumably leave to God (and to Obama's crypto-fascist henchmen).

In matters of life and death, Obama now considers himself a co-equal (why not?) partner with God. He, like God, would hold each of our lives in his hand, to do with as he chooses.

This latest arrogant pronouncement from Obama (the Most High?) fits perfectly with his previously-announced opinion that medical treatment should be withheld in favor of pain pills, to save money. Well, he's now partners with God, so he must really know God's will. This might also be true of Obama's health care czar and his henchmen serving on the death committees.

Most religions consider God to be omnipotent, all-powerful, not sharing power with any known "partners".

May we now add blasphemy to Obama's resume?

Motivational Poster
Saint Obama Shrine
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

4. Obama Has No Plan

Obama has made countless speeches  (about 140 to date, and counting) promoting his "plan" for health care reform, taking over the insurance industry, and killing Grandmama.

But the curious fact is that he has never once displayed a copy of his "plan". He has never posted any "plan" on the internet. He has never expressed approval of the House bill H.R. 3200, or Sen. Baucus' (Dem.) bill, or any of the three or four other legislative bills.

Yet he has given countless speeches with much bluster about the supposed merits of his "plan".  Curiouser and curiouser.

The dirty secret is that the emperor has no clothes. Obama has no "plan".  There is no document which one can point to and say, "This is what we get if we accept Obama's plan."

Obama's "plan" is a pig in a poke.  Except that there is no pig.  Obama doesn't have a plan.  It's all smoke and mirrors. It's the Oz story all over again. Only now the little guy behind the curtain is the crypto-fascist Obama.

All that we know for certain -- because it's on video -- is that Obama plans to take over the insurance industry and kill off the old people.We don't know how many crypto-fascist burocrats would be on the insurance committees or the death committees.

All we know for sure is that Obama is going for total power over our lives.That should be enough. Only a self-hating, life-hating altruist would put up with this. Or a silly, unthinking idiot.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

3. Prison for health?

Motivational Poster
Prisoner For Health
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THe Baucus (Dem.) Senate health care bill requires that every person have health care insurance (so much for the "Choice and Competition" myth).

Those who don't have it will be fined $1900 or sent to federal prison for up to one year and fined $25,000.

The Dems want to make the United States the pnly country on the planet which makes failure to buy health insurance a federal crime. This in the former "land of the free".

The Dems envision a brave new world,where every State would have a brand new "Obama Federal Nedicare Prison For Health Care Criminals" or OFMPFHCC.

Stalin sent dissenters to Siberia (th Gulag). Obama/Baucus want to criminalize the failure to buy health care insurance. Well, Baucus does, anyway. Whether Obama wants this depends on the day of the week.

Somebody should ask Obama if criminalizing health care is what he means by "change".

No sane person would propose such a tyrannical scheme. But whoever accused the crypto-fascist gang of being sane? Was Stalin sane? Was Hitler sane?

Where in the Constitution do the Obama/Baucus Dems get the authority to criminalize the lack of health insurance? Silly me; the Constitution no longer means anything in Obam's Washington.

We can reasonably blame this turrany on Obama, unless he disavows it. But then, who will believe him?

Motivational Poster
Baby prisoner of health care
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Friday, September 25, 2009

2. No Mistake

Was Obama's June 24 remark [Blog No. 1]about withholding life-saving treatments and substituting pain pills, just a slip of the tongue?

On August 11 at a town hall meeting, Obama returned to this subject. Far from changing his position, this time he stated that he would deny treatment to his own grandmother, to save money.

He has never retracted this statement or the opinion that a pace-maker should be withheld, to save money.

Yep, he believes it. Obama believes that he deserves the power to end a human life to save money.

This is indeed Obama's kind of "health care". In a word, he would kill people to save money.

This is a gothic nightmare, a "final solution" that Hitler would have loved.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

1. Why "Death Pill" ?

This blog will discuss, from an individualistic and rational viewpoint, the proposed take over of health care by the crypto-fascist Obama regime.

This blog will also be unequivocally in favor of freedom and capitalism.

Why call it "Death Pill"?

On June 24, President Obama, in answer to a question, expressed the opinion that old people should be denied life-saving treatments (specifically heart pace-makers), and should instead be given pain-killers, to save money.

This amounts to condemning people to death, to save money. Or killing them, to save money.

The President of the United States has stated on television (on two occasions) that he believes in withholding treatment to save money. Since this is his publicly-stated belief, will it be implemented in his health care scheme? It seems reasonable to think so.

The essence ot Obama's "health care" plan is NOT to provide health care, but to control every aspect of our lives -- and deaths.He seeks the power to decide who lives and who dies. Obama's appointed death committees would have the power of life and death over every citizen.

This must not happen.

Obama's "health care" scheme is a Death Pill for true health care in America.