Saturday, November 6, 2010

45. Repeal ObamaCare

Repeal ObamaCare.

Obama's Communist Thugs
Yuk It Up

Repeal ObamCare.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

44. Obama Timeline

Who is Obama?  What is his background?  What has he done?    What is he doing as president?

Obama Timeline is a website [ ] devoted to chronicling every known fact about Obama (with some devastating commentary, too).

I highly recommend this website.  It is a tremendous undertaking.  Just don't try to read it all at once.  It is overwhelmingly complete.


Monday, April 12, 2010

43. Socialism In Action

The ideal socialist society was described by Karl Marx thus:

>>  "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

        -- Communist Manifesto (1848)

How does that work out in the real world?  Marx had no idea.  Lenin and Stalin put Marx's dream into action to create the socialist paradise in Russia, and killed millions of people.  Socialism in action is the opposite of paradise.

Here is an intensely realistic (but fictional) description of socialism in practice:

>>   "Well, there was something that happened at that plant where I worked for twenty years... the Twentieth Century Motor Co., Starnesville, Wisconsin.... The plan was that everybody in the factory would work according to his ability, but would be paid according to his need....

>>   "They told us that this plan would achieve a noble ideal....  We voted for the plan at a big meeting....  None of us knew just how the plan would work.... 

>>   "Do you know how it worked, that plan,  and what it did to people?...  We're all one big family, they told us, we're all in this together.  But you don't all stand working an acetylene torch ten hours a day -- together, and you don't all get a bellyache -- together...."

     -- Ayn Rand "Atlas Shrugged"
               page 660 (hc); 616 (pb)
        "For The New Intellectual"
               page 121 (hc); 101 (pb)

And then, for twelve gripping, fascinating pages, Rand lays out, in excruciating and heart-breaking detail, just exactly what socialism means in the lives of the people who are forced to live by this "ideal" of altruism in action.

This is perhaps the most powerful indictment of socialism/altruism in practice, carried to its  ultimate extreme.  It is an utterly chilling picture of our own future, if Obama-Democrat collectivism prevails.

If you value your life, read these twelve pages.

Ayn Rand

Friday, April 9, 2010

42. More Dogs Of War

The Joker Laughs at America

The President, in the horror show of the week, made a speech  in which he laughs, giggles, and jokes about passing the health "care" bill, with all of its impositions on life, liberty, and property.

Death panels?  Giggle, giggle.

New taxes?  Giggle.

Regulations?  Giggle.

It is no joke to us.  We will get you out of office.  We will defund and repeal your (unfunny) health law.  We will have the last laugh.

The Last Laugh

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

41. Dogs of War

The Obama-Democrat politicians have unleashed the dogs of war against the American people.

By passing the health "care" bill, the Obama-Democrats have declared war on your right to live, on your liberty, on your propertty, on your right to act for your own happiness.

This health "care" bill will --

-- Force you to buy insurance, or be fined or jailed.

--  Put 16,000 more IRS agents in charge of your health care.

--  Impose a hundred new taxes.

--  Create a hundred new bureaus, with tens of thousands of new regulations.
--  Put Obama-Democrat burocrats (death panels) in charge of your health care and medications.

--  Put Obama-Democrat burocrats in charge of the practice of medicine.  These burocrats will tell doctors where they can practice, how they can practice, what medicines and treatments they can prescribe, and what they can charge for their services.

--  Obama-Democrat burocrats will regulate hospitals and insurance companies out of business.

--  And impose thousands of new regulations  aimed at destroying your liberty, your property, and your life.

Should we submit to this brazen assault on our life and our property, and the destruction of our liberty?  NO.

This Obama-Democrat communist-altruist  destruction of liberty must be blocked at all levels.  All Obama-Democrat statists must be removed from office.  This law must be defunded and repealed.